Connecting to Christ

Christ is our primary Core focus. At Life Connections Church we feel our first priority is the development of the Christian relationship, character and lifestyle that Jesus calls us to. 

Currently we do this through Sunday morning service, evening prayer and Wednesday night fellowship and Bible study as our primary discipling process. Community prayer teams also help to develop our spiritual lives as we go out to schools and businesses in our area.

Join us Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Arrive early, share time with others. Plan fellowship together after service and during the week. Acts 2:46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,


Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm we gather for Wednesday CafĂ© & Bible Study, a time of fellowship with desert and Bible Study together. Weekly Bible Study allows for open dialog on what Jesus is saying to us in our lives and hearts. This is a time of building us together as the body of Christ.
