Community Care
At Life Connections Church we seek to find ways to affect our community in positive ways in order to care for those in need with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. Here are just a couple ways we seek to do so.
Medical Equipment Exchange
We have a selection of used quality medical equipment, such as wheelchairs, walkers, shower stools and bedside commodes for those who cannot afford them and/or don't have insurance to cover the expense.
We accept donations of equipment no longer needed as well as financial donations toward the purchase of needed items.
Contact Pastor Doug or Amy for more info or to make a donation at 765-478-4870.

Some of our inventory!
Team Lucy!
Lucy is a therapy dog, licensed and approved for hospitals, nursing homes, schools and other ministry applications.
Lucy is a well behaved and loving. She often joins us for events like Canal Days, Halloween Safety Zone or the Cambridge City Christmas Wonderland, and she loves our summer worship events in Creitz Park.
She also likes to come with us as we prayer walk in the community and in our schools.
Lucy's handler/owner/human is Kim Phillips of Cambridge City.

Lucy and Kim "Bee"ing around!